life stories with marc hoberman
Marc Hoberman
-Dealing with Stress
-Team Building and Communication Improvement at Schools and Corporations
-Speed Reading
-Creating Success

Check out Marc's other projects
The information and opinions expressed on any episode of “Life Stories With Marc Hoberman Talk Show” (produced by Grade Success) by our guests are intended to address specific questions asked or situations described on the program and are not designed to constitute complete and professional advice or recommendations.
Listeners should not act on or rely upon any and all information contained in any of the broadcasts without seeking the advice of other professionals in the field to which they have questions or wish to seek advice.
Life Stories With Marc Hoberman Talk Shows and Grade Success Production Company cannot be held responsible or liable for any content and/or comments made by any of the hosts or guests that air live, recorded, or as podcasts, that it represents. Life Stories With Marc Hoberman Talk Show and Grade Success Productions acts solely as an Independent Contractor for the programs it represents and is also not liable for any program or host descriptions, logos, photos, or audio that is displayed on the Life Stories With Marc Hoberman Talk Show website.